Oficial SA
Mon-Frid:8.00am-17:00pm Sat:8:00-12:00pm

The Experience!

We love to show the origin of our coffee, we have dedicated this site to all the people who help us every day to generate the best experience for our customers, importers and roasters, but above all to the final consumer.

It is a unique experience we will be able to see how coffee is produced since it is collected, goes through quality control and is exported.

    to enjoy 

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360° Tour

We Start

This is our virtual tour with 360 ° photos, we want our consumers to appreciate how everything works on this side of the supply chain.

Model Farm

This is a 26-year-old farm, it is a coffee growing model that guides other
coffee producers to continue with the sustainable farm process, at this stage
the most beautiful story that we began to see begins.

Dry Station

This is a drying station with African beds, its capacity
is 600 qq for each drying cycle. Between the months of December-March several cycles are processed.


Our wharehouse has a capacity to store 30,000 quintals of dry coffee ready for its
preparation and to be sent for export.

QA Lab

The view of our quality control laboratory here is where
all the coffee samples that are processed in our drying plant arrive and also where the
pre-shipment and shipment samples are approved.

Preparation To export

Our winery has the capacity to store 30,000 quintals of dry coffee ready for production
and to be sent for export. In this winery there is also our mechanical drying plant
where there is a capacity to dry 1000 qq in cycles of 35 hours.


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wet process


dry process

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what we do!

Agroforestal plan

Best environmental friendly agricultural practices.

Child Labor hood

In 2019 we started a campaign against child labor

For climate change

We promote seminars to teach minimizing climate change

Gender Equity

We promote gender equity, we have a group of 84 women.


our coffee

Request sample now!

request a sample!

You can request a sample of the coffee you are looking for, on our part we will do our best to send you coffee adapted to your needs

meet our people

Contact Us

Aldea Casitas RN132,

Get in Touch

We are delighted to receive your communication, please fill in the fields of the following form.